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Reducing The Risk of Pollution from Service Station Runoff
28 Jun 2019
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released a guide that outlines how service stations can better protect the environment from potentially polluted run-off from service station forecourts.
The forecourts of service stations are generally hard surfaces consisting of re-fuelling areas, parking bays, trafficable and pedestrian access areas. As water flows across these hard surfaces, for example during rainfall, it can collect residues of petrol, oil or diesel which contain contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, oils, grease, lubricants, coolants and dirt.
The Practice Note – Managing forecourt run-off from service station forecourts provides guidance on how to treat potentially contaminated forecourt run-off before it reaches the environment. The guide provides recommendations on planning and design, managing risks, and approaches for collecting and treating forecourt run-off at service stations.
The Practice Note can be downloaded from the EPA’s website
Practice Note : Managing Run-off from Service Station Forecourts
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