Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo 20 and 27 August

Another great turnout! The recent Northern Sydney Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo and South Western Sydney/Macarthur Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo combined, attracted hundreds of High School Students and various Exhibitors providing students with career and further education information at the The Concourse, Chatswood and Whitlam Leisure Centre, Liverpool.

MTA NSW Senior Manager, Training Policy and Strategy, Matthew Webster and MTA NSW Trainer Daniel Chee attended both expos on Tuesday 20 August and Tuesday 27 August 2019. This was a unique chance to showcase to both high school students and their Career Advisors the myriad of opportunities available in the automotive industry.

Chatswood and Liverpool expos were visited mostly by high school students and teachers where there was keen interest in the offering provided by MTA NSW in training and apprenticeships. The MTA NSW tyre fitting machine and engine parts on display were again a great crowd pleaser engaging the curiosity and participation of many interested students. The selection of MTA NSW apprenticeship focused marketing and promotional material was well received.

“The MTA NSW ‘Register for an Apprenticeship’ website page made it very easy for students to register their interest in seeking an Apprenticeship within the auto electrical, heavy vehicle, light vehicle, paint or panel automotive industry. Students were able to submit all their contact details and resumes on the spot in less than five minutes. As an employer’s association, Members of MTA NSW can then review all the expressions of interest and make contact with students directly.  This means the MTA NSW can help students to find employers more efficiently than by other means.”


MTA NSW provides Employers with the  option to click on the Seeking An Apprentice page to search for potential apprentices for their business within their local area.

MTA NSW Trainer, Daniel Chee said, there was a good number of automotive apprenticeships from South Western Sydney represented at Liverpool.

“We had students all-over South-Western Sydney attend our stand and it is so important they realise MTA NSW Training can offer them training and apprenticeship support, even though they might live outside of Sydney metropolitan areas.  MTA NSW trainers do travel to regional areas and often many hundreds of kilometres away from Sydney, to train many of our MTA NSW registered Apprentices,” said Daniel.

If you or anyone you know may be seeking an automotive career or looking for an apprenticeship, MTA NSW will have a stand at the following Career Expos which are not to be missed!

Central Coast Apprenticeship & Traineeship Expo
Tuesday 3 September 2019 – 3pm to 8pm
Mingara Recreation Club, 12/14 Mingara Dr, Tumbi Umbi NSW

Western Sydney Apprenticeship & Traineeship Expo

Tuesday 10 September 2019 – 3pm to 8pm
Penrith Panthers Exhibition Marquee, 123 Mulgoa Road, Penrith NSW


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