MTA NSW Calls Upon Next Federal Government to Address Automotive Skills Shortage

The Motor Traders’ Association of NSW (MTA NSW), an Employers Association representing thousands of automotive businesses in NSW, calls upon the next Federal Government to address the estimated 10,000 plus short fall in NSW for qualified automotive technicians and specialists, and to properly plan for the technology, qualifications and jobs that will be required to service a rapidly changing national fleet of over 6.6 million vehicles in NSW.

MTA NSW supports the work done by our national body, the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA), and has released its own Federal Election policy imperatives for NSW paper entitled ‘Keeping Australia Moving’ which highlights the priorities of: Policy and Regulatory Reform; Industry Skills Shortage and Training; Automotive Business Environment; and Infrastructure.

MTA NSW calls on the next Federal Government to engage in a better automotive industrypartnership to develop a sector plan, an automotive sector blueprint, to address current skills shortages and a range of other matters impacting the sector, industries within it, and consumers.    

“MTA NSW and the other State and Territory Association Members have warned for years that anindustry specific strategy for automotive Vocational Education and Training (VET) that attracts, retains and mentors new entrants, apprentices and trainees to the automotive sector is desperately needed.  The current shortage within NSW of over 10,000 qualified technicians accounting for 34% of the national shortage, is causing delays for consumers and increased workplace stress for many automotive small businesses as increasing workloads impact on the sustainability of the workforce’ MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis noted.

Imperatives for the NSW automotive industry include:

•    Develop an automotive blueprint to assist in seizing opportunities in global mobility innovation.
•    Support the ACCC’s scheme to mandate access to repair information.
•    Call for a detailed market study be undertaken into the effect of vertical and horizontal integration by insurers of smash repair business.
•    Support the proper provision of training to trades-based apprentices and trainees to ensure the nation has a skilled workforce to meet future demands.
•    Restore Federal Government funding to conduct industry specific approved WHS training.
•    Abolish the Luxury Car Tax or, at the very minimum, the threshold should reflect a revised level of $125,000.

To view the MTA NSW Media Release, please click on the following link:

Click to Download the Media Release ' MTA NSW Calls Upon Next Federal Government to Address Automotive Skills Shortage'

To view the MTA NSW ‘Keeping Australia Moving’ Automotive Industry Policy Imperatives for the 2019 Federal Government Election, please click on the following link:

Click to Download 'Keeping Australia Moving – NSW Automotive Industry Policy Imperatives for the 2019 Federal Government Election'

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