MTA NSW Member Information Night - Cronulla

MTA NSW hosted a Member Information Night in Cronulla on 13 November and would like to thank our Members who were able to attend.                           

This information night provided an opportunity for Members to receive valuable industry information and learn how our Association can assist their businesses. Members were also presented with an update from our valued MTA NSW Business Partners - MTAA Super and Sapio. SafeWork NSW also presented to our Members.

The evenings provided an opportunity for MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis, to recognise long standing Members present on the night. Combined, these Members share 127 years of continuous membership with the Association.

MTA NSW would like to congratulate the following Members for their continuous membership and support.

Jax Quickfit Franchising Systems - 67 Years
Purnell Motors Pty Ltd - 60 Years

(L to R): MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis, congratulates Levih Warby from Jax Quickfit Franchising Systems

(L to R): MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis, congratulates Rodney Dale from Purnell Motors

MTA NSW would also like to congratulate the following Members for their continuous membership and support but were unable to attend the evening to be presented with their Certificate of Recognition.

Helensburgh Car Services - 33 Years

SSHT Pty Ltd - 31

(L to R): David Marston, SSHT
is congratulated by MTA NSW Area Manager, Peter Dupesovski.

Our industry information evenings give Members the chance to interact with each other and senior MTA NSW management to share in the latest industry topics relevant to their individual businesses. Topics focused on key industry updates including compliance requirements and best practice with presentations from our MTA NSW automotive industry specialists, including how MTA NSW Training can deliver on-site Apprenticeships and Traineeships to automotive businesses.

Our next Member Information Nights are being conducted in the Sydney Metropolitan areas of Wolli Creek – 19th November and Penrith – 20th November.             

We look forward to welcoming you to one of these information nights!  

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