New COVID-19 Rules in force from 11:59pm on 25th June 2021

Members will be aware that the New South Wales premier today announced a raft of new restrictions imposed for the period from 11.59pm 25th June, 2021 until 11.59pm on Friday 2nd July, 2021.
The current rules surrounding the wearing of face mask as being compulsory in all workplaces as well as the restrictions on travel outside of the Sydney Metropolitan area for persons whose place of residence or usual place of work is contained in the seven (7) proclaimed Local Government Areas are extended until 11.59pm on the 2nd July, 2021.
 More importantly there have been new restrictions imposed on people movement over the next seven (7) days. In summary the restrictions are as follows:

  1. Persons who live or whose usual place of work is in the Woollahra, Waverley, Randwick and City of Sydney Local Government areas must stay at home;

  2. The reasons permitted for persons leaving their home in the four (4) Local Government Areas stated above, are:

  1.   Shopping for food or other essential goods and services

  2.   Medical care or compassionate needs

  3.   Exercise outdoors in groups of ten (10) of less

  4.   Work and education, where you cannot work or study from home

In particular members need to be aware that under Clause 6A of the Public Health (Covid-19 Great Sydney) Order (No 2) it states
“The Minister directs that an employer must allow an employee to work at the employee’s place of residence it it is reasonably practicable to do so”
The new restrictions relate to the movement of individual persons and in the view of MTANSW do not prohibit a business from being open over the next seven (7) days provided always that the business complies with the current COVID restrictions in the operation of the workplace.
If you have any further questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact the ER Team on (02) 90169000 or at e-mail

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