NSW Fair Trading Information Seminar - Liverpool on Monday, 6 November 2017

This seminar is designed to assist you and your staff to understand the important changes impacting on the motor industry, due to the new Motor Dealers and Repairs Act 2013.

The Seminar will include information on the following issues:

•          Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013                            
•          How to comply with the legislation
•          Renewing trades certificates
•          New licensing system
•          Classes of repair work
•          Prescribed forms and registers
•          How Fair Trading mediates disputes

The details for this seminar are:

Date:     Monday 6 November 2017

Time:    6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Venue:  John Edmondson VC Memorial Club - (Club Liverpool)
              185 George Street, Liverpool NSW 2170

How to Register (free of charge):


•    Go to Fair Trading’s event register at https://events.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au
•    Select the relevant seminar/s and register to secure your place


•    133 220

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