NSW Fair Trading Motor Dealers / Repairers Information Seminar - Woy Woy

NSW Fair Trading are conducting a motor industry seminar for Motor Vehicle Dealers and Repairers, for the Hunter Region at Everglades Country Club on Thursday, 14th June 2018.

 This is a FREE seminar and open to anyone who is interested and/or working in the industry, however you do need to register. The presentation includes information about important changes to the motor industry.

Seminar topics include:

  1. What the updated laws mean for my business
  2. Advertising rules
  3. How Fair Trading intervenes in disputes
  4. Renewing trades certificates
  5. New licensing system
  6. Prescribed forms and registers

The details for the seminar are:

Date:     Thursday, 14th June 2018

Time:    6.00 pm – 7.30 pm

Venue:  Everglades Country Club

                Dunban Road

                Woy Woy, NSW 2256

To register for this event Phone: 133 220 or go to the Fair Trading events website (below),

press register on the seminar you would like to attend and fill in your details:

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