Reminder: Repair Work on Light/ Commercial & Heavy Vehicles

We understand that leading up to Christmas is a very hectic time with the volume of work coming through your operation. However, it is extremely important that you ensure all repair work is carried out to a safety standard.

This warning is to serve as a reminder that you are liable for faulty workmanship. This not only applies to the safety of the passengers  of the vehicle you repaired, but also for all road users, should anything go wrong that is related to your work carried out.

This situation has been highlighted recently with catastrophic consequences involving the death of a customer’s employee.

Please remind your staff to check their work and make sure that nothing has been missed. A shortcut or “missed” process can lead to a situation arising. The last thing you want is to be held legally liable for an incident which can be proven to be the fault of your workshop employees.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Division Manager: Brenton Daniel
P: 02 9016 9025
E: [email protected]

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