Review Of Act Public Health Direction Re: Click And Collect

In recent discussions with MTA NSW Members within the ACT and the Australian Automotive Dealer Association (AADA), concerns had been raised in relation to the restriction surrounding the Click and Collect operating requirements for Motor Vehicle Dealers under the Public Health (Lockdown Restrictions) Emergency Direction 2021 (No 9) (“PHD”).
Accordingly, on the 28 September MTA NSW wrote to the ACT Government Minister, Rachel Stephen-Smith, MLA, Minister for Health, Minister for Families and Community Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for her consideration and support of a minor amendment proposed by both MTA NSW and the AADA for Item 6 in Attachment 2 of the PHD as outlined below.
Attachment 2 – Non-essential business, activity or undertaking


Column 1
Non-essential business, activity, or undertaking

Column 2
Conditions of operation (other than those outlined in the Direction)


Motor vehicle dealer

  • Must operate only by contactless means for the collection or delivery of a vehicle which was purchased prior to 12 August 2021.

  • Must take all reasonable steps to ensure that a person permitted to enter the dealership minimises the time spent at the premises.

  • The maximum number of people who work at the dealership that may be present at the premises is the lesser of:

    • 1 person per 4 square metres at the premises; or

    • no more than 2 persons 5 persons at the premises at any one time.

The above proposed minor amendments were as follows:

  1. delete the words “which was purchased prior to 12 August 2021”; and

  2. increase the number of workers to “5 persons

The above changes were essential in supporting the many Motor Vehicle Dealer businesses in the ACT to be in line with NSW Dealers. MTA NSW, with the support of AADA, urgently requested the ACT Government to consider the proposed minor amendment.
On behalf of our Motor Vehicle Dealer Members, we would like to express our appreciation of the recent amendments made by the ACT Government as part of their roadmap and in listening and acting upon our concerns, and the AADA for their advice and representation. 

For information regarding the ACT Government Pathway Forward, please click onto the following link: ACT's Pathway Forward then click on the PDF under the heading “Changes for Business” and then look under “Non-Essential Retail” changes.

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