Support for Bushfire Impacted Businesses

MTA NSW remains hopeful that our Members and their families remain safe during this difficult period of the bushfire emergency, particularly in the Mid North Coast, New England, Hunter, Blue Mountains, South Coast and Snowy Mountain areas of NSW, where a natural disaster has been declared in certain Local Government Areas (LGA’s).
As an update to our Members, if you have been affected by the bushfires, Service NSW is working with the Federal, State and Local Government to bring together the necessary services and support for affected communities and small businesses.
The services available include small business services and programs; Federal and State Government packages; emergency assistance; financial advice; support for licensees; lost or destroyed licences, permits, certificates and information for employees.   
This bushfire assistance is available via Support for Bushfire-Impacted Businesses
MTA NSW recommends Small Business Operators directly affected to find out if you are eligible to register for a small business bushfire recovery grant

MTA NSW is able to assist our Members with advice and support by contacting your local Area Manager or Divisional Manager on P: 1300 682 679 or E: [email protected]

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