Water Restriction Exemptions for Businesses

Do you use water outdoors as a core part of your business?

Businesses that rely on using water outdoors may need an exemption from the current restrictions.

What's Excluded From the Exemptions?

Types of water excluded

  • Recycled water (supplied in some parts of Sydney through purple pipes)
  • Greywater (water from sinks, showers, washing machines etc)
  • Rainwater (as long as the tank/dam isn't topped up from, or switched to, the drinking water supply)
  • Bore water
  • River water (you need to have a licence)

Uses of water excluded

  • Water parks
  • Water used for firefighting, testing and related activities
  • Water used for dust suppression

You don't need to apply for an exemption if your business only uses water indoors or the water you use outdoors isn't drinking water.

All Automotive Businesses that wash cars etc. in Sydney, Blue Mountains and the Illawarra region are required to have an exemption from Sydney Water if you are washing a car outdoors. Other areas of NSW require an exemption from the water supplier in your area.

Click Here for Further Information

Click Here to Apply for the Sydney Water Exemption

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